PS5 Wiki

PS5 Wiki

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  1. Welcome to PS5 Wiki
    1. Contributing

Welcome to PS5 Wiki

This is a more beginner-friendly wiki that covers PS5 internals more broadly than the psdevwiki. As such, it’s not meant as a replacement for psdevwiki but rather as a supplement to it. The information in this wiki will not be perfect or complete due to the nature of this information being acquired through reverse engineering, however the maintainers of the backing repository will try to ensure the most correct information is kept preserved.

This wiki is backed by GitHub pages / jekyll, the repo can be found here.


Contributing is as easy as editing or adding a page and submitting a pull request to the main repo. Maintainers will review changes and merge them if appropriate. Try to make sure you’re only committing information that’s both informative and has some basis / evidence to back it up.